Monday, October 1, 2018

Why did I choose Japanese?

I love traveling, and Japan was always on my "to go" list. After I visited two years ago, however, I fell in love with Tokyo and knew that I wanted to return one day, this time preferably knowing how to speak the language. Then when I came to Barnard, I met one of my closest friends. We clicked instantly, and then I found out that she was an international exchange student from Japan. After finding this out, I had even more incentive to learn Japanese. She'd been helping me learn via Line, but that wasn't the best solution for either of us.

I'm excited to get a better foundation in particles and writing Katakana before we move on to Kanji. I can wholeheartedly say I'm not ready for Kanji yet.


  1. That is so nice that you have a friend who is a native speaker who can help you study Japanese! I have also met some people who are native speakers, but I would be terrified to actually speak with them! That said, it would probably be really fun to try and carry on a conversation with your friend in Japanese for as long as you can.

  2. It sounds exciting to know someone who speaks Japanese natively! That seems like a good way to improve speaking and listening. :)

  3. Wow, I respect you for taking the initiative to learn Japanese!! I have a good friend from China, but I always thought that Chinese was too hard. Maybe I'll try to learn one day.

    1. Thank you! Aw, well now u have a head start with all this kanji haha

  4. Hey, theprincess. What did you find the most appealing about Tokyo, in particular? Did you spend time in other parts of Japan? It seems like most of the people whose blog I've taken a look at has already been to Japan. I see your music player is still out of commission.

    1. Yo, Frank. I honestly just really liked the city itself. I loved how clean it was, the architecture, the food, etc. No I haven't been anywhere except Tokyo ): gonna change that one day tho. Ya Idk why my player isn't working. I'm not a cool kid hacker ig :(

  5. So you started learning Japanese on Line? That's an interesting tactic. I accidentally learned some Hindi/Punjabi because my friend learning it randomly mixes in into texts, though it's probably not the best if you want to be fully conversational+.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I had started learning before (last year) but she helped me further my learning. That's cool though! Do you still continue with Hindi/Punjabi?

  6. I think your motivation to learn Japanese is similar to mine. I also want to visit Japan sometimes and maybe I will get to learn more after I visit.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. you should do that friendo!
