Monday, October 15, 2018


げつようび とすいようびともくようびごぜんくじからじゅういちじまでにはたらきます。げつようびからもくようびまでくらすへいきます。にちようびとかようびとすいようびともくようびにダンスへいきます。どようびにいつもいきません。

Monday, October 1, 2018

Why did I choose Japanese?

I love traveling, and Japan was always on my "to go" list. After I visited two years ago, however, I fell in love with Tokyo and knew that I wanted to return one day, this time preferably knowing how to speak the language. Then when I came to Barnard, I met one of my closest friends. We clicked instantly, and then I found out that she was an international exchange student from Japan. After finding this out, I had even more incentive to learn Japanese. She'd been helping me learn via Line, but that wasn't the best solution for either of us.

I'm excited to get a better foundation in particles and writing Katakana before we move on to Kanji. I can wholeheartedly say I'm not ready for Kanji yet.

Composition 1 ⭐️タマリン・グレネット・ホッジ


